Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tattoos and Kryptonite.....

Ahhh!  My husband, otherwise known as Superman, now has a tooth with my name on it!  Hee Hee!

Here is the story:

Two weeks ago Superman broke his tooth.  I know technically that should be impossible, but soda is his Kryptonite and it was bound to happen sooner or later. Anyway, our brother-in-law is handy with a drill if you know what I mean and he informed superman that a crown was the only solution.  

He prepped.

He took molds.

He sent it away.

Here enters the sneaky villainess (in the form of my sister) to the story.  Her wicked mind quickly thinks up a dastardly plan of making two crowns for superman.   One looks like a normal tooth in every way and another identical to the first, except for one small name written in purple with a pink heart surrounding it, is tattooed on it. 

My Brother-in-law placed the "fancy" tooth in Superman's mouth (without cement) for him to look at, waiting for the reaction that was sure to come.  Well..... 

Superman thought it was awesome and didn't even want to see the other one!  He had it cemented in his mouth, tattoo and all!

Talk about love!

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